On Monday 23 July 2001 19:52, Colin McQueen wrote:
Can someone explain the best way to get PHP4 running as a module in Apache from SUSE 6.4 if I have already installed so have Apache and PHP3 running? PHP4 is installed as far as I can see using locate. I must admit to finding Yast a little difficult to use for this as I'm not familiar with what the menus cover. I used locate to find out if PHP4 for on the HD. Would people recommend a move to 7.2? This is to run on a single box on our network and act as an Intranet server with MySQL PHP4 for database handling.
I'm using 7.2 and it is streets ahead of 6.4, and the new Yast2 is a much friendlier configuration tool. Note that any version of PHP you got with SuSE 6.4 will be very early. Things have moved on a long way since then. Your easiest route is to upgrade to SuSE 7.2 and then just install PHP and MySQL by ticking the boxes in Yast2. As to the *best* way to get PHP4 running as an Apache module, that would undoubtedly be to obtain the sources of the latest stable versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP and compile them yourself! Cheers -- Phil Driscoll