--- "adrian.wells" <adrian.wells@sidcot.org.uk> wrote:
I want to give these machines a new lease of life by installing LINUX and placing them in study rooms, an internet cafe and other 'like' areas. Initially running only open office, FireFox, and Thunderbird.
I intend to attempt to have these machines locked down until they squeak as they will be in no-go zones. My question is, if anyone uses LINUX w/s in this form, do they authenticate against the RM servers and if so are there any issues with this? (I authenticate against a WIN2000 box at home, but this is a 'safe' environment and we don't really hot-desk!) And, assuming that you do, do you allow access to the "mywork" areas?
Ok, I have a small version of this running in our library. I have 5 debian workstations. One is a beefy job and thus becomes the X terminal server for the other 4. The others automatically start X and display the terminal's gdm login screen. It works a treat. I'm running an after school club on these workstations tonight and plan to thrash them to see if it all grinds to a halt.
How do you implement remote w/s builds across the network? I'd considered a duel partition and 'ghosting' across but most of these w/s only have 4GB HDDs. We try not to have CD-ROMs on any PC's as it's just another item to replace every term!
I have these debian workstations authenticating from an RM Connect 2.4 server (NT4). Winbind and then a pam config - which is very picky but definately works! If you did it with debian I could send you the config. But I know someone on this list offered to send me the config for SuSE when I was doing it with debian, so it's out there...?
If it's a success and easy to administer, then I'd like to be able to move away from the CC3 route altogether.
I've not managed to map MyWork to the linux machines :( The problem seems to me to be that the user's home directory on the RM server is not necessarily their username e.g. Jonathan Smith as a username would have jonatha1 as a homedir! Jonathan Jones (who came to the school later than Master Smith) would have a homedir of jonatha2. So I can't work out how to auto map the homedirs using pam_mount - which would be a breeze if homedir and username were the same. Any help? I'm using gnome, and intend to just rewrite the gnome config files for anything I want to restrict in a nightly cron job. Thus if little jonny breaks his desktop, it'll be fine in the morning... Obviously KDE has the kiosk framework which may be more use in locking down - which I'm not overly concerned about on these linux workstations (as long as they reset nightly to save on my "fix my desktop" admin). -- Matt Johnson ___________________________________________________________ Win a castle for NYE with your mates and Yahoo! Messenger http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com