Thanks for the replies
Squid will NOT work out of the box. It does need manual configuration, but in my experience all you need to do is set the IP it listens to, the port, and the access rules. Then just say, in Netscape, the servername and the port, and all should be OK. If you need to do more with it, I recommend you start in /usr/doc/packages/squid or /usr/doc/packages/squid2, or the squid website.
A previous reply implied that it should work out of the box - hence reinstalling it. I assumed that it should listen to an IP, but previous answers implied (or my interpretation of them) that this was 'automatic' and squid just saw the required resource, I have looked throughout the config files and the literature on the web but couldn't find any reference to this (probably on the first line of the first page!). I am using a modem with a normal dial-up account, where should I point squid? To my providers IP? A slight aside, The location of files as reported by vendors is often (6.3) not the same in SuSE, why is this? is it to do with the preferences of the person that build the packages? Just wondered as it can confuse when looking at other sources of info. Kind Regards Adrian Wells