IP's are DHCP, so that's kinda random. The name (netbios?) is unique though, IdentD service also running too, if that's any help. :S How can I block by pc name? Dug Stokes Senior Webmaster Gilberd IS Department E: dug@gilberd.com W: www.gilberd.com -----Original Message----- From: Thomas Adam [mailto:thomas_adam16@yahoo.com] Sent: 10 February 2003 11:55 To: Administrator; 'suse-linux-uk-schools@suse.com' Subject: Re: [suse-linux-uk-schools] Squid blocking per room?/Per machine (wildcard)? Yes, I have some.... Squid works its filtering not only on ACL's but on IP/subnets too. Assuming that the IP addresses of your machines in the specific room have a commonality about them then it should be easy enough for you to block an entire room. HTH, -- Thomas Adam --- Administrator <Administrator@gilberd.essex.sch.uk> wrote: > Is there any easy way anyone can see of letting
Squid block internet access to an entire room of kids?
At the moment, the ACL's block some users and some websites, but sometimes, for obvious reasons a teacher wants us to block, say, Room 30 from having internet access.
Each machine is Win2k, and is named '30-pcxx' where xx is a number to uniquely id the machine.
I've written a vb program before that runs before IE, but it isn't very successful!!
Any ideas?? Pur-lease?!
Dug Stokes Senior Webmaster Gilberd IS Department E: dug@gilberd.com W: www.gilberd.com
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===== Thomas Adam "The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- www.linuxgazette.com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.com