Sorry for not being able to make it for the meeting. Here my homework: As I told you last year, the first beta of Linkat2.0, based on SLED10SP1, was released before christmas. Despite the fact that a lot of work has been done, the release for the second beta and, after that, the final release, have been postponed and I can not tell you the new release plan, as it is not yet decided. However, I expect it to be (the final release) before April, 1st. Meanwhile, Jordi B. and me are preparing a presentation for FOSDEM (Brussels, end of February) that will include what is Linkat2.0 (in short an educational project based on SLED10, openSUSE, and other free software), which community do we have (user, developer, professional), and which is and which can be the relation between openSUSE and openSUSE-edu (joining packaging efforts through OBS and others). greetings, jordi El dl 21 de 01 del 2008 a les 15:36 +0100, en/na Lars Vogdt va escriure:
Here's the summary of the first IRC Meeting this year.
1.) Open action items
Christmas vacation prevent us from doing as much as wanted/needed. Neither Jordi nor JDSN are present, so we don't know anything about their action items. Lars has written some documentation about the ISO creation of the Edu-CD, but is currently not ready yet. Furthermore there exists a first working GUI for the YaST-SquidGuard module - but the backend part is missing.
2.) Status of the Edu-CD
In spite of the official Release of the openSUSE-Education 1.0 for openSUSE 10.2 we've got not so much feedback from outside. Lars has extracted some statistics from the webserver logfiles, but they have to be taken with a pinch of salt because it looks like many people tried to download the ISO more than once using download managers or something else. This in mind we have over 400 downloads for the openSUSE-Education-1.0-for-10.2.iso in the last two weeks! But only 20 hits for the online repository.
Happily we can announce a first big deal for openSUSE-Education: as a result of a cooperation between Novell and Exits, german, austrian and swiss schools can order free openSUSE 10.2 boxes containing the openSUSE-Education 1.0 DVD! Schools just have to pay for shipping and handling (which is currently 6 Euro for 10 Boxes). As an additional result, we've a DVD Layout for our Edu-CD!
Update: Since this week, the "openSUSE-Education 1.0 for openSUSE 10.2" ISO is added to the official openSUSE Bittorrent tracker!
Because of lacking time we have to skip the release date of the openSUSE-Education 1.0 for 10.3. Now we've new release dates for 10.3:
* 02/08/2008 for the first release candidate (RC1) * 02/22/2008 for the second release candidate (RC2) which should be the final version
Until RC1, the developers want to add some packages (amongst others gambas and pascal) and fix some of the current ones.
An outstanding problem is the translation of patterns and package descriptions into different languages. Currently the patterns are available in german, english and russian. Package descriptions are currently just in english. Lars tries to develop a webfrontend (called "PDB: Package Database") on openSUSE-Education.org until RC2 - so people can submit package translations easily with a webfrontend - don't burden the developers with asking for integration into the packages (which btw. would bloat the rpm database on the users computer).
3.) Packaging questions
Should there be an update tree for the openSUSE-Education 1.0 release?
In theory this is already possible. But that would lead to additional work for the developers as they should not only fix their packages but also submit a patch description. And we currently didn't have an easy solution for the last one - especially when the patches should provide translated informations as the official openSUSE ones.
So the decision is to skip patches for the 1.0 release and focus on finishing the 1.0 release for all distributions and the package database. But patches will be a topic for the next release of openSUSE-Education.
At least: we've updated the packages stardict, stardict-tools, galculator, tuxmath and tuxtype. New packages: atomix and fbreader --
Jordi Massaguer i Pla openTrends Solucions i Sistemes, S.L. Torre Llacuna C/Llacuna 166, 10º 1ª A 08018 Barcelona Phone: (+34) 93 320 84 14 Fax: (+34) 93 300 35 27 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-edu+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-edu+help@opensuse.org