Hi, If anyone is actually sitting at a computer on such a nice day, I wonder if someone point me in the direction of a good howto please. I'd like to set up a network that the kids can 'play' with (actually it exists) it has it's own domain ip range etc. but we want to see the outside world. I have a suse box that I want to use as a router with two NIC's - I assume that this is the best technique, I've read a howto by Bert Huburt (Linux advanced routing and traffic control), but now I'm confused. Most howto's are concerned with joining LANs - I want only very limited access as below. The accademic network must not be able to access the playnet, and the playnet must only be able to see two IP's on the accademic network, one is our email server, the other is our internet proxy & intranet. it must not see any of the rest of the accademic network. Kind regards Adrian