Beg to differ...
Linux is good and bad for all the reasons that we all know.
M$ is good and bad for all the reasons that we all know.
*and suspected of being bad for reasons we don't know* The problem is that we are dealing with a near monopoly here and as a result responses will be polarised. Also, this is not a politically defined monopoly - the government normally intervenes with oligopolies - 25% of the market is considered worthy of intervention. Here we are dealing with over 90% of the market. This causes ineffieicencies - have a look at for a brief discussion. A monopolist knows that they are inefficient and overpriced. The barriers to entry are the major defence they have. For this reason I'm very happy to have the refered to as Micro$oft, but I'd hope it encourages people to study economics. ===== rgds, Richard Rothwell -------------------------------------------------------------------- rind (n) acronym for 'rind is not defined' ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download Messenger Now