On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 12:06:01PM +0100, Chris Puttick wrote:
This would definitely be a great move, except that CSV is inadequate for the task. PDF and XML are also space hungry formats. It may be better to persuade the owner of the resource to have an OOo version available (powerful, open and space efficient format). This has the added benefit of
Slight irony here. Since the Open/Star Office formats are actually XML. The .sxw and .sxc consist of 5 XML files in a ZIP archive. Also PDF is effectivly a variation of postscript.
introducing people to OOo and its StarOffice relative in a positive way, while helping those schools/LEAs who've already moved in that direction gain access to resources.
-- Mark Evans St. Peter's CofE High School Phone: +44 1392 204764 X109 Fax: +44 1392 204763