Has anyone seen the test - bed program? http://www.becta.org.uk/corporate/corporate.cfm?section=15&id=3078#ans1 27 million pounds for 5 secondary schools and associated feeder schools ought to ensure that they get the right answers! Some time ago I emailed this program to ask if any of the testbed schools were using open source solutions - guess what the answer was. Is this in breach of the e-envoy's rules? I also offered to help them by becoming a testbed, so far I have not recieved a reply. We can all be thankful to Becta for this one also: http://www.becta.org.uk/corporate/press_out.cfm?id=3098 Such a wise institution charged with protecting UK educational ICT falling for one of Microsoft's well documented lock-in tactics - surely not? http://www.iht.com/articles/96369.html On new year's eve I sit comfortable in the knowledge that the future of our ICT provision is in such safe hands. Happy new year to all. kind regards garry ps. The laptop spec problem could have been due to a misguided attempt to protect us from the inevitable sharks (AKA suppliers) that prey on UK educational establishments.