On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 09:57:34AM +0100, Derek Harding wrote:
Here, here about school/educational software on opensource. I've just been told that my proposed terminal server setup won't get the go ahead unless I can prove the educational, not financial, viability!
Who on Earth told you that? I'd be tempted to throw it in their face and ask them to prove the educational *and* financial viability of your current software. I can't see that Netscape/StarOffice on a thin client has any less educational worth than IE/Office on a thick client, and I can see that a number of purely Unix apps have considerably more educational merit than either. The financial advantages are largely self evident in terms of licensing costs and reduced time costs in nursing the system. Sounds like the `powers that be' are more interested in preserving the status quo and throwing ludicrous obstacles in your path than investigating real alternatives - maybe when MS send the `licensing police' around demanding 50k for those few unlicensed copies of DOS you (may) have lying around they'll change their tune ;-) -- Frank *-------*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-------* | Boroughbridge | Tel: 01423 323019 | PGP keyID: 0xC0B341A3 | *-------*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-------* http://www.esperance-linux.co.uk/ When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.