On Sat, 17 Feb 2001 mberry@st-ives.surrey.sch.uk wrote:
On the subject of which, how do Felsted and others maintain their own internet presence locally rather than using web hosting services?
The answer is that we run our own hosts. We arranged a fixed IP address with RM in 1995, acquired a Class C allocation of 256 numbers when we installed ISDN in 1998 and became primary for our own DNS when we went 24-hour in April 2000. It's all very exciting, but you can only do it with very expert help, which we have from an Old Felstedian. It is useful too to have 24-hour access to and usage of the network, which we have. For example, I have checked the telnet logs for yesterday, 22nd, a Thursday during Half Term, and find 220 logins representing 97 different users (an average term day has 1200 logins for 400 different users). I did the same check on Christmas Day 2000: there were forty different users. Nine years earlier (25/12/91) there were two - excluding myself. The school community continues to be active throughout the year: we are a global village. -- Christopher Dawkins, Felsted School, Dunmow, Essex CM6 3JG 01371-820527 or 07798 636725 cchd@felsted.essex.sch.uk