I got a winnt server connected with 17gb drive. 800 students that store their work and roaming profiles on the server. Server has been setup for 2 yrs now and still has 13gb's left on it. They have no limits on space either. But they do know they are not allowed to dload mp3's or zip files off the net. As for backup. I have a number of drives dotted around the school that back up all relevant data and are used soley for that purpose. I then backup these drives to tape too. Also every now and again I ghost the server hard drives and workstation harddrives to image files using norton ghost. I have had two server hard disks fail in the last year due too storms and such like. They where up and running within the hour that they failed. hope this helps sparkz sparkz@breathemail.net staff@alcester-grammar.schoolzone.co.uk http://www.alcester.dial.pipex.com