I've just been talking to someone who's trying to sell us a document storeage system, and he mentioned in passing that he had a meeting with Adobe last week. In this meeting he mentined that Acrobat 5 fails to read PDF files generated by Ghostscript (ps2pdf) amongst other. The Adobe rep stated that in the past, Adobe has encouraged pdf writed being created by 3rd parties. However, as of Acrobat 5, this stance has changed, as they want to actively push Adobe Distiller - which is where they make their money - and so have stopped it from reading *other* PDF files. Based on the current price of Distiller, you may want to think about this before upgrading your Windows boxes to Acrobat 5. -- Gary Stainburn This email does not contain private or confidential material as it may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000