If you could provide a detail of your network with (if you want) fake IPs, and a small ASCII diagram, that would help. :)
-- Thomas Adam
Certainly, The structure goes something like this. External if is connected to our school network, on a 10.4. address. All of our mail has to pass through mail.embc.org.uk, and web traffic via proxy.embc.org.uk. On the external interface we will have a switch, conecting to multiple laptops (which we can`t change the settings on). I had thought of using NAT and a different ip range for the laptops assigned by dhcp. Our internal mail server (mail) could easily forward the mail traffic on, and we already have a local squid cache that I could copy the config of to create a transparant proxy, however the squid faq says you can`t transparent proxy https. Does that help discribing the problem? Rob Keeling