----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm reposting this in the hope that it might be useful to new members. If anyone has found good sources of Linux information `out there' which they would like to share, why not do a similar posting? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For those new to Linux: it takes a while to find all the massive amounts of help and documentation which are there. Here are some places to look. The SuSE Linux 6.3 manual: sleep with it under your pillow. http://suse-linux.co.uk There is a support database and a harware database among many other things. `Running Linux' published by O'Reilly (now 3rd edition - don't buy the 2nd which is still in some bookshops). I found this book very useful when I began. The Help system on your system (the fuzzy chameleon button if you use KDE) or type file://localhost/usr/doc/susehilf/index_e.html in your browser. Everything in /usr/doc/ including the howtos and mini-howtos The man command: eg man ls tells you everything you might want to know (and probably don't) about the ls command. The info command. The Linux Documentation Project http://www.linuxdoc.org/ Slashdot http://slashdot.org/ Linux Weekly News http://lwn.net/ Linux Gazette http://www.linuxgazette.com/ If you are stuck with a strange error message or something you can't do and you do a news search on Altavista http://www.av.com/ you are very likely to find an answer in old news group postings. This is a tiny sample :) -- Roger Whittaker SuSE Linux Ltd The Kinetic Centre Theobald Street Borehamwood Herts WD6 4PJ ---------------------- 020 8387 1482 ---------------------- roger@suse-linux.co.uk ----------------------