Why do you draw the line at building the computers? My year 11 and 6th formers love it!! The year 11s (about 4 of them) actually managed to build 30 computers in the lunch break.....and all of them worked ;) Jo On 4/26/05, Miles Berry <mberry@st-ives.surrey.sch.uk> wrote:
I've just been asked to draft a proposal for /possibly/ setting up a 2nd IT room here at St Ives. Unfortunately, the preliminary figures will be needed by 4/5/05! I'd like to explore the possibility of going the LTSP route (we have a multi-purpose Linux server already, but are running win98 clients on the rest of the network). We can do a fair bit of stuff ourselves (network cabling and configuration), but draw the line at building computers! The room would be quite cramped with 19 stations, and cost is going to be a key issue here, I'm afraid. The thin client option seems quite appealing, but I'd prefer KDE desktops, even though this may place a lot of extra load on the poor application server, and obviously would want to run things like Office software, and web-browsing; I'd also like to be able to run rosegarden and gimp(!) Can anyone here suggest specs and suppliers for the server(s) and terminals, or point me in the direction of UK based suppliers? Also, I wonder if any of the commercial interests on the list would be interested in quoting for this? If so, perhaps they'd like to get in touch directly, mberry@st-ives.surrey.sch.uk
-- Miles Berry Deputy Head St Ives School Haslemere www.stiveshaslemere.com
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