"Grainge, Derek" <DGG@wellington-college.berks.sch.uk> Many of these programs keep a 'history' of the pupil so you can trace back in time. Just a thought.
I'm working on the design of such a history table at the moment. Exactly what constraints I should impose on it, and what checks need to be done by the related stored procedures, prior to an insertion is an interesting issue. Overlaps need to be prohibited as a pupil cant be in two tutor groups at once. Plus a number of other requirements. Anyone interested in this sort of thing ? I'm still working with MSSQL (hisses all round here I guess), but when I get hosting, firewalling, how to use cvs and all the rest of it sorted out I still want to rebuild my software on a Firebird database server as open source. regards Richard ----------------------- richard@tortoise.demon.co.uk www.openi.org