Mark Evans <mpe@st-peters-high.devon.sch.uk> wrote:
Sounds like this is heading for the level of marketing for a car which offers features along the line of "an internal combustion engine", "pnumatic tyres", "hydrolically actuated brakes", etc...
Far be it from me to promote non-copyleft material, but there's a lovely Dilbert cartoon in which Dogbert sets himself up as a financial adviser and promotes the idea that financial products are too complicated for normal people so customers should just give all their money to him. I think we're in danger of heading the same way here. The obvious step to me is to start educating people. That shouldn't be a problem for education, should it? I don't know much about LEA publications, not being in that sector, but would they publish a reply where you ask these sort of questions as part of their next bulletin? -- MJR http://mjr.towers.org.uk/ IM: slef@jabber.at This is my home web site. This for Jabber Messaging. How's my writing? Let me know via any of my contact details.