Hi, I manage a school's network in the east end of London and we have installed Suse Linux onto one computer at this stage. We have the machine patched into a switch along with a machine with NT loaded on. We currently run a Connect network but wanted to develop the Linux option more as a working example to our A-Level computing students that there is a viable alternative to Microsoft, a concept that they have taken to quite enthusiaticly I might add. At this stage we have kept it seperate but are looking at connecting it up into our network with access to the Internet. The whole process has been pretty exciting and has got the head of ICT and the other IT teachers pretty enthusiastic, most afternoons has seen them crowded around the machines on the "alternative" network. Just a quick question, we have the Linux machine and the NT machine capable of pinging each other no problem, but how do we go about getting them to recognise each other and allow file accesses?? Any help or pointers would be appreciated. Thanks Shawn Blakey