A welcome from SchoolForge, for your interest. The kind of info I've forwarded here does indeed belong on a separate mailing list, but then discussions about Linux problems/solutions (and splitting hairs on definitions of free - politics raised its ugly head again, I noticed) would not belong on a SchoolForge UK list, only discussions about new developments of SchoolForge/UK, conferences, new resources, updates to relevant websites etc. So I think the vote isn't for one or the other, we need both. Chris -----Original Message----- From: David Bucknell To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net Sent: 4/12/03 1:37 AM Subject: Re: [school-discuss] Schoolforge UK Dear Chris, Let me echo Hilaire: "Well done indeed!" This is just great news as you've set a positive precedent for the rest of us to follow. Re joining Schoolforge, please start by filling out the form at http://seuldat.seul.org/cgi-bin/mementer0.pl. The typical e-mail sent in response says: 1. Please copy the logo of your choice from http://schoolforge.net/logos to your site, place it prominently and link it to http://schoolforge.net/. 2. Join Schoolforge-discuss (which you already have). 3. Participate (which you already do). I would like to add a 4th: Post news of your plans as well as your accomplishments on http://news.schoolforge.net -- Most of our work is eternally "in-progress" so it might seem like nothing is happening, but I think it would be fair to treat work-in-progress as news in many cases, so please (all schoolforgers) post / send news. Meanwhile, I am trying to bridge the language and interest gap here in Thailand to form a chapter, but let say that, IMHO, "local" need not be national; it could represent as small an area or group as you like, I think. Best wishes, David
Quoting Chris Puttick
Thank you and keep up the good work, David <chris@centralmanclc.com>:
Hi all
Following David's suggestion of national versions of SchoolForge, timed rather neatly with a very successful Open Source in Education conference here in the UK, I'm pleased to announce that SchoolForge UK is up and more or less functional. Official UK press releases are provisionally set for the 25th of this month (timed for the main education publication). The lag is to ensure there's already some content on the site (http://schoolforge.org.uk) and preferably an impressive list of UK affiliates.
Do we have to do anything in relation to "joining" SchoolForge International?
Chris Puttick IT Manager Central Manchester City Learning Centre
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