I'm so pleased that my ideas on teaching ICT as a modern foreign language have met with such a positive reception on this list. Certainly I'll be make my way across to schoolforge-uk and check out what's there (I've not checked this for some considerable time). By way of some background about myself... I've been working for some 25 odd years in IT, with significant proportion of my earlier years specialising in the creation of genuinely user-friendly user-interfaces. Later I spent some considerable time running a support and training operation before setting up my own computer networking consulting business. A move out of London prompted a switch into writing and publishing book (by myself and other people). However it wasn't until I'd reached the grand age of 42 when quite by accident I discovered I have the neurological condition Tourette Syndrome (undiagnosed since I was a young child) that I became active supporting advocating for the rights of the man school children coping with neuro-behavioural issues in our schools today. After much soul-searching I finally took the plunge and enrolled on an initial teacher-training course (what a culture shock!), as the only way of becoming fully involved in working with both ICT and special needs support in schools. I guess I must be fairly unique in that my experience spans the full range of commercial IT plus an all too short highly intensive period spent immersing myself in the culture of schools and teaching ICT. Right now I'm recovering from some long-term health issues, which means I have the luxury of sufficient time on my hands to further develop the approach I've briefly outlined on this list. Yes I've read a lot about the open-source model of development, but to date I've not been involved in the setting and actively contributing to an open source project. Any assistance in this respect would be most welcome, as would feedback, co-development and contributions to the curriculum materials I am working on. I hope I shall meet as many of you as possible at the FLOSSIE conference. At present I'm based near Lyme Regis in Dorset, and you'll occasionally see me at DCLUG (Devon County Linux User Group) meetings in Exeter. David Bowles TeacherLab / Education-Support