--- Bill Antonia <bill@beaconhillcott.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
Hi All
through I think it is something to do with tcpd wrappers, as mentioned in /usr/shared/packages/mysql/readme.suse (I think!). In desparation I have added the following line to my hosts.allow file ALL : ALL However still no joy. It would have been nice in the documentation if
Errrr, you do realise the potential security risk that you are taking by doing that??? My suggestion would be if you added the following to "/etc/nsswitch.conf": Locate the line that looks like: "hosts: dns files" and add the word "all" after "file".
there was an example of how to enable remote clients to connect to mysqld through the tcpd wrappers.
tcpd wrappers are only there as a means of security purposes, they do not hinder their operation in anyway. Before you connect, run: lsof to see what pipes you have open, and check that you're listening on the right port. Kind Regards, -- Thomas Adam ===== Thomas Adam "The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- www.linuxgazette.com __________________________________________________ Yahoo! Plus For a better Internet experience http://www.yahoo.co.uk/btoffer