A quick Google located this, which contains a pointer to some Radeon video drivers that might help: http://www.consultmatt.co.uk/nx9005.php If the instructions don't make sense and you don't get any more Suse-specific help get back to me and I'll try to help you through it. Bob Gautier Ateb Limited On Sun, 30 Nov 2003, Ron Johnson wrote:
Dear All
I dont know if you can help, but I have just put Suse 9 Prof on my school laptop- compaq/hp nx9005. Display is useless I can't get it off 640x480 using the Control Centre. When I apply 600x800 or 1024x768 I get some very weird screens - unworkable. Have you any answers otherwise I will have to wipe Suse off.
I did this as a prelim to putting Suse 9 on my desktop as I wish to try out some Linux eduaction programs. Now I am not so sure, although I hope it wont be a problem on the desktop as it is up to date hardware.
Thanking you in advance Many of God's blessings
Ron Johnson
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