Thanks Chris for the definitive answer, It's all grist to the mill :-) Adrian ----- Original Message ----- From: Chris Puttick <> To: 'adrian.wells ' <>; <>; <> Cc: <> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 3:50 PM Subject: RE: [suse-linux-uk-schools] Linux systems for managementin Education
My apologies for crassly reading the last copy of the email, thinking "I must reply to that" and then it promptly disappearing out of view (and out of memory...).
School management systems are very varied and encompass a wide variety of tasks; essentially nothing exists that covers the full range, open source or commercially.
There are a number of open source projects that cover particular aspects of school administration, in various stages of development. Only one (that I'm aware of) seeks to make allowance for everything, SchoolTool. By adopting a modular approach, SchoolTool intends to not only cover every aspect of school administration, but also different countries needs. See:
Schooltool has not yet released code, but is funded by the Shuttleworth Foundation and has contracted developers - core code is scheduled for delivery in September. SchoolTool will be accessible by both web browsers and cross-platform GUIs.
A number of key (and funded) projects are in the pipeline, such as ILP (Individual Learning Plans), CPDM (Curriculum Performance Data Management), and the primary adaptation of the latter. These are being developed concurrently, with ILP and Primary-CPDM (project Tigger) being developed by the same team here at Central Manchester City Learning Centre. All these three are going into pilot stage next month. All are web-based to reduce TCO. Public online demonstrations will be available shortly, and the two we are directly involved in will be registered on SourceForge in a few days (as PigletandFriends!).
There is also our helpdesk system, HelpMeICT, which is a highly configurable web-based solution, which is easily adapted to provide ticket-tracking for admin and building services requests as well as ICT. A single server could transparently deal with hundreds of sites, grouped as required. While this is not specifically for schools, it is undoubtedly something that schools are in increasing need of to manage their ever-growing IT systems. Equivalent commercial helpdesk solutions would cost thousands of pounds per school (and per council/NHS Trust etc.!). HelpMeICT is also being adapted as a pupil behaviour tracker. See:
I'm aware of several other school admin solutions that are available open source, but these are primarily US/Canada focussed and would need considerable adaptation to be of use here in the UK.
Commercial support for the solutions listed will be available.
I hope this helps. If you want any further information on any of the above, please feel free to contact me.
Chris Puttick IT Manager Central Manchester City Learning Centre +44 (0)161 212 1972
-----Original Message----- From: adrian.wells To: Cc: Sent: 8/26/03 2:44 PM Subject: [suse-linux-uk-schools] Linux systems for managementin Education
Hi Joanne,
Below is a copy of my reply to Leo.
The LINUX list has been quiet of late - holidays (?), I have only received four emails since forwarding Leo's request on the 11th.
I would rather you spoke to the grinder rather than a monkey so that puts me out of the picture! If no one gets back to you soon, or if I can help in any other way please feel free to drop me a line.
Kind regards
Adrian Wells
----- Original Message ----- From: adrian.wells <> To: Leo Waldock <> Cc: <> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 10:25 AM Subject: Re: Linux systems for managementin Education
Hi Leo,
Thanks for the mail, I've forward your request to where the guys are working on a new Open Source Project.
We use Dolphin/Mentor here, If you would like some copy on that then drop me a line.
Adrian Wells
----- Original Message ----- From: Leo Waldock <> To: <> Cc: <> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 4:57 PM Subject: Linux systems for managementin Education
I'm writing a feature for Jo Sawyer at Public Sector Computing about the alternatives for management software in the education sector. I understand you have some involvement in this field and would appreciate your comments, particularly relating to products that are available now, and that have been tried and tested in the field.
I'll be on holiday from Sunday 10th August until 20th August, so if this is a work email address that you won't access until Monday, please don't think I am ignoring any reply that you send me.
Leo Waldock
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