Bill Antonia Beacon Community College Home e-mail Work e-mail Yes, no problem in using Linux and samba as a server for SIMS. Finally got round to it today, creating a copy of SIMS to use for training purposes. Connects ok and launcher runs all the modules. The only problem I have is in the samba access rights. For some silly reason I have to list all users within samba in the "admin users" option, giving them all root access to the shares being exported, then it works. The temporary files which are created when a user logs into SIMS cannot seem to be created. I've tried chmod 777 <directory of share> but it did not give the users enough access. Probably doing something wrong. Even added the following options to the share definition in smb.conf read only = no writeable = yes or even force user = <name of admin user> Still no joy! Any ideas? Oh well, keep on experimenting, tomorrows another day.