25 Apr
25 Apr
I spent easter playing with samba - my boy is now networked! How do I specify the path for the users directory? as I wish to put this on a volume with more space.
The home directories are on the Linux box I assume? In which case they're probably /home/username
Is it possible to log into a Samba session from the host LINUX machine?
I _think_ what you mean here is smbclient which sort of acts like an FTP client to an SMB server, man smbclient should give you all the info you need :) -- James Ogley, SuSE Linux UK Ltd - +44 (0) 20 8 387 4088 @ Work: ogley@suse.co.uk www.suse.co.uk @ Home: james@rubberturnip.org.uk www.rubberturnip.org.uk ICQ: 57374251 Slashdot: riggwelter (84180)