Below are the minutes from the August 13th docs meeting: --- Present: Adrien, Andi, Attila, Bill, Ethan, Knurpht, Stefan, Syds ## Video - Project handled by _Ethan_ and _Attila_, but more than open for suggestions and inputs - Maintenance concern for videos >> Focusing on short clips could try and mitigate this issue (somewhat) as recapturing a 2-5min long video is much faster than editing it over and over after an update - Talk with Doug if maybe these tutorial videos are suitable for the openSUSE YouTube channel - _Adrien_: Keep the right distance from the docs, not too far, not too close as it could get confusing for users if something is written and not mentioned in the video or mentioned in the video, but not documented yet, - Pick the focus of docs and videos which is already in progress here: https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-docs-revamped-temp/issues/12 - Video format shouldn't be anything complex to keep it maintainable, but have a single cover picture with the agenda and when reaches a milestone - if any - within the video use it to mark what are we talking about in the following block. For example performing a system upgrade with CLI tools and YaST. ## Project ML, community and communications problems - put the "negotiations" and "deprecation" parts of the plan at https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Documentation_migration on hold - carry on with the "flagging" part of the plan only by working hand in hand with wiki maintainers to build presence in a non-destructive fashion, limiting edits to only the clearest of flag opportunities as per https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Documentation_migration - use a polite style and tone especially for external communication - work hand in hand with docs-o-o maintainers to carry on with deploying there as per the intent expressed in minutes shared via the documentation mailing list, but not push this until pending issues are sorted such as "supported-unsupported" use case documentations - brainstorm on criterion for including/excluding software topics to/from the revamped docs (so-called "official vs. unofficial" definition) - Make the documentation efforts and goals more visible ## In regards to supported-unsupported cases we discussed the following options: - Separate supported and unsupported cases from the current docs - Stefan Knorr: Make a clear disclaimer at pages that are not supported by developers - _Attila_: It has been brought to my attention that this might have legal problems still, need to look into it further and clarify - Potentially put unsupported docs under their own category? - Remove controversial contents from the documentations: not delete it, but hide it on the rendered page until they get sorted and there is a decision made. - Some of the conversations is available here: https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-docs-revamped-temp/issues/27 ## Assigned tasks: a. with regards to supported-unsupported, the participants will prepare arguments for their position, so that we can vote on a definitive solution in the next meeting. ## To follow up on: - the idea has been aired to build presence using portals instead of flagging individual pages when doing the latter might appear as targeting or attacking the work of maintainers - the idea has been aired to draw attention, when communicating externally, to the fact that we appreciate live conversations, especially for initiating new collaborative processes. - Automatically propose multiple ways to get in touch with us on Telegram, Matrix, ML or live calls ## Meetings: - bi weekly meetings are restarted - Next meeting will be held early on August 20th from 6pm UTC to make a decision on how we go forward from here. -- Br, A. Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.