28 Dec
28 Dec
2010/12/28 Karl Eichwalder <ke@suse.de>:
Thomas Schraitle <toms@suse.de> writes:
I think, Jürgen did something to make it easier. For translations, only the account name is needed now which has to be added to the opensuse-doc project.
This is good news.
Luiz Fernando Ranghetti <elchevive68@gmail.com> writes:
Sure, I forgot to mention it, is "elchevive"
Great, you now have commit rights as elchevive. If it does not work, please report back.
Hi, I'm having some problems trying to create pt_BR subfolder. The message says its forbidden. I'm also having problems with distribution/hu/images/src like the screenshot attached which says basically that the ifolder_main.png.svn-base cannot be found. Regards, Luiz