Dear all, Please find below the minutes of our recent meeting with SUSE documentation team (https://doc.opensuse.org). These minutes are shared as an agreed-upon version resulting from our combined efforts. Thank you to everyone in the SUSE doc team and to Stefan for working out these minutes with us, See you soon, Adrien PS: There is 'news docs' meeting scheduled for 6pm UTC on http://meet.opensuse.org/docs 8<------------------------- Combined version of minutes *************************** Meeting minutes, Wednesday, August 11 Adrien Glauser (openSUSE community), Stefan Knorr (SUSE doc team), Attila Pinter (openSUSE community), Tanja Roth (SUSE doc team) and Frank Sundermeyer (SUSE doc team) AI = action item Topics with agreements: present openSUSE Revamped docs similarly to existing Leap guides on doc.opensuse.org homepage openSUSE Revamped docs primarily describe a product version that is not present on doc.o.o so far: docs for Tumbleweed -> there is no conflict in terms of content openSUSE Revamped docs further focus the use cases of new desktop users on Tumbleweed ideally, specific use cases of new docs should be communicated properly on doc.o.o navigational pages AI openSUSE Revamped team: write descriptions to use on doc.o.o openSUSE Revamped docs are currently generated manually via MkDocs, then pushed to special branch of the source repo SUSE doc team can pick up generated results from there and sync onward to doc.o.o AI SUSE doc team: enable sync process to doc.o.o via cron job (weekly or more often) coordinate in terms of design AI openSUSE Revamped team: talk to openSUSE community designers (@hellcp and @guoyunhe) about branding of the new docs versus the navigation of the page AI SUSE doc team: get a coordinated design for the Leap docs licensing: openSUSE Revamped docs/Leap docs/wiki all use GFDL, enabling re-use open question about whether contributors need to be attributed with their full name for openSUSE Revamped docs not discussed yet: GFDL 1.2 versus GFDL 1.3 AI SUSE doc team: forward Adrien's question on how to attribute individual contributors to SUSE Legal Further topics discussed: ML thread on opensuse-project did not result in consensus on new strategy, openSUSE Revamped team will find way to communicate with wiki documentation authors and build consensus, especially before any destructive actions lunrjs integrated into MkDocs provides full-text search for openSUSE Revamped docs desire to see full-text search for entirety of doc.o.o Adrien/Stefan to look at expanding search to cover more parts of doc.o.o later, if feasible/scalable enabling user feedback for openSUSE Revamped docs: proposal: use three buttons (Edit Source -> opens GH PR, Open Bug -> b.o.o or GH Issue) (Frank) alternatively: wholesale move to code.o.o would allow one main way of providing feedback that also integrates with openSUSE account infra (Stefan) Topics not discussed: timeline of changes to doc.o.o next meeting GFDL 1.2 (wiki, openSUSE Revamped), GFDL 1.3 (SLE docs)