18 Dec
18 Dec
Hello, can you please disable the following package builds for CentOS 8 in the "Other" repository? They are already in the base OS. https://build.opensuse.org/project/monitor/systemsmanagement:Uyuni:Master:Ot... jboss-logging libgsasl libntlm nodejs-packaging perl-Frontier-RPC perl-Net-LibIDN perl-Term-Size python-dmidecode python-jabberpy python-urlgrabber yum-utils Also can you please enable these modules in the project configuration for CentOS? https://build.opensuse.org/projects/systemsmanagement:Uyuni:Master:Other/prj... ExpandFlags: module:httpd-2.4 ExpandFlags: module:ruby-2.5 ExpandFlags: module:swig-3.0 Thanks and best wishes, Stefan