- The setup routine does not complete successfully. Do you have any errors?
It is now completing successfully. There will be a few code changes needed. Only think I couldn't get figured out yet is smdba not working. I will leave that for later.
- Some salt certificate issues. Maybe a difference in the path where things needs to be stored?
Yes that is the issue. Will also look at that later.
- Switching from "SUSE Manager" to "Uyuni" Ahhh, check spacewalk-java.spec. There is an %if which should do the trick. I think it just check for "is_opensuse".
This is where I need some direction on. I am running SUSE Manager which is looking for js scripts that do not exist. That explains the empty dash board or the empty login page. I rebuild spacewalk-java.spec with the "is_opensuse" logic and re-installed spacewalk-java-*.rpm. I also took the Uyuni Master spacewalk-java-libs.rpm directly and re-installed it. The interface did not jump to Uyuni. Any hint what needs to be replaced (quick and dirty... And yes, I did restart Tomcat and mgr-setup)? It should only be the rhn.jar, right? Ideally, I would like to avoid rebuilding my current dev system from scratch until I have the changes recorded. (too many dirty workarounds everywhere atm). It would be great to send you all a screenshot of Uyuni on a C8 box before the end of the year :) Best wishes, Stefan