On Fri, 2020-05-29 at 17:04 +0200, Julio González Gil wrote:
Hi everyone,
As discussed today at the Uyuni Community Hours, there are some opportunities for all the community to contribute back.
You do not really need to be a developer, as you can also help with translation, documentation, or even design. Even with the website!
Here are the topics that were proposed:
- Translations: UI, documentation (no coding skills required) - Learning pills (articles, videos) - Salt formulas, forms: Active Directory authentication, Samba, Web Server... (no real coding skills required) - Import Debian and Ubuntu patches ("errata") information. - Debian autoinstallation: preseed support - Amazon Linux 2 repository syncing (requires adding sqlite support) - Virtual host gatherers for your favourite cloud or virtualizaton platform - Implemente GPG key management RFC - Content mirroring and statging - Virtualization enhacements: network configuration, snapshots management, PXE boot... - Support for more operating systems: MS Windows, Mac, Android... - LSP support in file viewers / editors (e.g. Eclipse Theia / Microsoft Monaco) - Integrate create-your-own-dashboard framework.
We can add to the list: - Convert JSP pages to ReactJS -- Cedric N�����r��y隊[��x�z����칻�&ޢ��������'��-���w�zf��쮞'^��~� ޮ�^�ˬz��