On Tuesday 11 June 2013 11:30:23 Kostas Koudaras wrote:
Ok I created a draft on news with the .odt that Konstantinos sent, Jos can you give it a look and ad some pics?
On it!!! Great work, Konstantinos! It's a super article. Kostas, instead of news.o.o, how about we publish this on Linux.com? I think it would be a good fit... I will look at it in news.o.o, tomorrow, no time today. /Jos
Konstantinos if you want some pic's that you have to be there please send them here so that I will attach them. regards Kostas
2013/6/10 Konstantinos Boukouvalas <boukouvalas@lpi.org.gr>:
Dear all,
I think something like the attached. Please advice on changes.
Note, when published it will be the precursor to the PR that will follow in a few days about the Exam Lab and my speech. So, it will also make its circle to all known social networks. I'll try to send it to the international LPI Community Corner as well.
Regards, Kostas Operations Manager LPI MA Greece
2013/6/10 Jos Poortvliet <jos@opensuse.org>:
On Friday 07 June 2013 13:43:31 Andy anditosan wrote:
On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Andres Silva <anditosan1000@gmail.com>
Andy (anditosan)
On Jun 6, 2013, at 7:00 AM, Jos Poortvliet <jos@opensuse.org> wrote:
On Wednesday 05 June 2013 18:33:45 Jos Poortvliet wrote: <snip>
> Ok, scrap that, had a chat with Andi and we decided that it is > probably > best to listen to Henne. That usually turns out to be the best > thing > to > do. So we'll focus on ONE main talk from each of the categories. > I'll > do > Community&Project as I already started, and write about the > subject > Henne > proposed: the talk about openSUSE Statistics. > > W.I.P.: > https://news.opensuse.org/?p=16081&preview=true
Looks like I just send an empty mail, sorry about that.
A new attempt:
Andy, awesome work on writing the 2nd section. I did some rewording, mostly to shorten things, also in my own section. Stuff like this: The goal of the Community and Project track is to gather talks ... Into: The Community and Project track gathers talks ... (that's an edit I did in my own part, yes)
Sometimes, you can remove entire sentences by adding 2 words to the next or previous one that way: you say the same thing, just with less words. The art of keeping it short ;-)
Anyway. I think the Geeko Tech part is fine too, only the part about Henne's workshop could be expanded upon. I hope he could have a look himself?
Otherwise, are you up for giving the Open World part a go?
Yes, I can do it although there is a lot of talk subjects there. I will try to highlight some, not all, but I already started writing about open world :)>
Note that I put the article on your name because, if you do the Open World part, you did 2/3 of the work so it would be unfair to not credit the article to you :D
Thanks, /J
> > /J
Jos, I added more words to the open world track section in the article. Please review and let's make appropriate changes to it. The idea was to promote in brief terms some of the confirmed and most prominent (imho) presentations coming to the conference.
Super. I discussed it with Stella and will publish it soon it so we have an article out today :D
Anybody can still give comments until it's live: https://news.opensuse.org/?p=16081&preview=true
Hugs, J
-- Andy (anditosan)