On Thursday 23 January 2014 08:59:12 Izabel Valverde wrote:
Em 22/01/2014 14:16, "differentreality" <differentreality@gmail.com>
We need someone from news@ to finalize the announcement for oSC14 CfP Opening (and of course post it on news).
It was supposed to go out on Monday, but hasn't.
A draft with main information is provided
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OXw9yZKNAtYQLxrv7hz0bKDE6jGaYwCoAXFcW1f X4TQ/edit#heading=h.2zahdoz8jleb
(2nd announcement - CfP opens)
In the gdoc you can find the actual information (when, what ...) for you to refine and make pleasant and attractive :)
Thank you! Stella
Hey Stella,
I can put on News but to refine and make attractive it isn't with me.
Is it Monday a good day?
Anyway I will look for it next Saturday if nobody else step in.
Thank you
I've put in a little energy in the Google docs and put it on news.o.o to be published, imho. https://news.opensuse.org/?p=17527&preview=true It misses some pictures, doesn't talk about sponsorship and doesn't mention the business track... But I can't fix that - I have to go to Brazil now :D so somebody else will have to do the actual publishing. Hugs, Jos