On Monday 10 June 2013 17:14:52 Andy Silva wrote:
Jos Poortvliet wrote:
On Monday 10 June 2013 10:04:12 Andres Silva wrote:
On Jun 10, 2013, at 7:19 AM, Jos Poortvliet<jos@opensuse.org> wrote:
We are offered a full page ad in the upcoming Linux Magazin if we can send it before Friday.
Who is up for giving it a try? The end result doesn't have to have the text that I put in, per-se, just make sure there's an explanation of the event ;-)
We might or might not get many visitors due to this, I have no idea- probably not many as it is late (the magazines will go out on July 4 or so). But every bit helps :D
Ping me if you've got something. I will send what I have on Thursday night. I created a 'fall-back' in case we don't have time to come up with something better:
Source in github. Feel free to use it as a base for improvement.
I offer myself for editing and if you assign a certain subject. Maybe our conference people could write about their impressions on what are the most important things happening at the conference and then we can cite them as we write a longer article.
Does anyone know how many words the article is to be?
Sorry for the mix-up. We do have an article to write, but that is for linux.com
This is an advertisement, see the link I gave - a one-page add to get ppl to come to oSC.
Of course, we COULD do it in the form of an article, that's certainly not a bad idea - but we'd have to hurry up a bit :D
I have thought only a little about an angle for the article for linux.com, it would have to be interesting for the general readers there.
Perhaps it could be about the maturing of the openSUSE community. Put in some bits about the history of openSUSE Conferences (see my blog - I plan on publishing it within 1 hour and it'll have my take on that history) and get quotes from the team on the why and how of this event.
Cheers, J
Andy (anditosan)
Well Jos, I do like what's shown on the example from susepaste. I would like to take that further and really work on colors and make an impression. Here is a sample of what I am thinking of.
http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/anditosan/ChameleonCover_zpsb6b98 8a3.jpg
Fuck me! pardon my French, but that is just frickin' awesome! I have attached the specs it has to fit in. Tell me what you want from me and I will give it :D
I want to take our brand further rather than the conference itself. The conference is, in my view, only incidental. It happens when people like openSUSE. openSUSE is the main event at any of our gatherings. That is why I played this design.
Notice how the bottom has an area to add text. This text can have a simple read of what the conference is and why people should go. Dates and location can also be added adhering to this design.
You can perhaps take the text from what I made - it is in github, as I said. Feel free to fix the graphics I did by removing them and putting yours instead :D
I hope you like it and it makes a SPLASH!
WOW, it did in my head! Really, this just ROCKS. KICK ASS! /me is genuinely excited