On Wednesday 26 September 2012 20:56:46 Andreas Jaeger wrote:
On 09/26/2012 04:38 PM, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
Now you all think - what, we haven't even STARTED on oSC and yes, that is correct. But it is good to have the survey ready before the conference so we can pitch it to people AT the conference and get much more input (and more FRESH input).
So, I propose to get a survey up asap...
AJ made one for the summit and I already asked him to copy it over for oSC as the needed changes are not so huge. I would ask for these additions: <snip> Otherwise, of course we have a slightly different schedule and more days which requires some changes.
I'm sure AJ will respond with a link to a survey we can use so you can give input on the questions.
here's a link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TL7CR7S
Please tell me exactly what changes to do: * Where shall I place the above new questions? * Which questions shall I remove? * Which to change?
Question 1: Please make it multiple-choice, that is far easier to check up on later. 1 news.opensuse.org and planet.opensuse.org 2 email I got due to previous conference registration 3 some openSUSE mailing list 4 article on LWN or other Linux/IT news site 5 openSUSE Twitter, Facebook or Google+ accounts 6 Other Social Media 7 Saw poster or talked to people at another conference 8 Someone asked/talked about it in person 9 other Question 2: replace with "I joined the conference mostly for: (more choices possible)" * Gentoo * openSUSE * LinuxDays * SUSE Labs * the FUTURE MEDIA track Question 3: replace with "do you think the FUTURE MEDIA track was an addition to the conference?" 1. Yes, such social issues are very important and it was interesting 2. Yes, but the content was not good enough. 3. No, it doesn't belong at a FOSS conference 4. No, I don't care about this. 5. What FUTURE MEDIA track? Question 4: Replace with "Did you attend the event because of the FUTURE MEDIA track?" 1. Yes, it was the main reason I came 2. Yes, it did play a very important role in my decision 3. No, it's nice but not why I came 4. No, I don't care Question 14: Replace with: Did you attend the opening Party on Friday? 1. Yes, it was awesome 2. Yes, it was OK 3. Yes but it wasn't much 4. No, don't care 5. No, no time Question 15: Replace with: Did you attend the Conference Party on Saturday? 1. Yes, it was awesome 2. Yes, it was OK 3. Yes but it wasn't much 4. No, don't care 5. No, no time Questions about openSUSE (17, 18) Question 17: Replace: "3. No" with 3. No, I already had it 4. No, I don't want it Please add here: "For the openSUSE folks: do you enjoy having a conference with others or should we 'keep to ourselves'?" 1. Together is good, we can learn from the others and have more fun 2. Together is good for others, what I do just doesn't benefit 3. Together is pointless, it brings no benefit other than maybe marketing 4. Together is bad, it just takes away from the focus on openSUSE Otherwise, no comments. Thanks a lot!!! Once we have a final link, we should put it somewhere and advertise it during the conference. Maybe we can put it on the badge too, theo?
I've just did a quick go and changed a few already but left others in place waiting for your comments on how to change exactly,
Thanks, Jos