28 Sep
28 Sep
Heya folks, I've been thinking more about the BoF sessions and updated the page. Made the sessions 1 hour long: for a BoF, 30 minutes is often not enough anyway and if you let people schedule mostly-1 hour sessions, you get gaps of 30 minutes which aren't nice. So I just put it at whole hours. I added some comments on top as well and a link to our 'BoF session news article' from last year. I could adapt that article and put it out again, pointing to our BoF page. Does anyone think that that is a bad idea? Any other comments on the BoF page? If not - I'll make them public. We need a link in the schedule to this page, too, Theo or Michal, can either of you add that? http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Conference_BoF_sessions /Jos