2013/7/2 Jos Poortvliet <jospoortvliet@gmail.com>:
On Monday 01 July 2013 12:10:45 Henne Vogelsang wrote:
On 28.06.2013 14:48, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
I do notice from the schedule: https://conference.opensuse.org/osem/conference/osc2013/schedule#2013-07-2 2 that there are sessionss on Monday which seem important. This would be a soft day for community meetups and such - I would not have sponsor talks there (Georg, Hans de Raad), just BoF's.
Those are all workshops.
Note that there will be no video recording and no networking materials from SUSE (all materials from SUSE will be packed on Sunday night and will be send back to NUE on Monday).
WTF! Why? Monday is still a conference day. We never agreed on ripping everything down on Sunday!
Monday was a 'soft day' and the openSUSE team (including equipment) is planned to leave Monday morning around 9. The SUSE team has planned to dismantle the network and video equipment Sunday night and schedule a UPS pickup on Monday, to be overseen by Lars/Jürgen/me.
I'm not saying I'm terribly happy with it - when preparing the booking for the team I tried to get a flight late on Monday but there simply wasn't any. But this has been the plan for a long time.
If Jürgen and Lars are willing to take care of dismantling everything themselves that'd be cool but we have to change plans.
I thought we would do this year "quality over quantity" and that would mean putting good talks (and I see Georg Greve here!) on the main days and no important content on Monday...
How about you figure out a 2 hour workshop that is less important and doesn't have a speaker that is leaving early. I'm looking forward to hear your ideas :-)
He, I appreciate the complexities, I had a chat with Kostas and Stella and they explained the issue :(
If you guys didn't want Monday to be a conference day you could just tell us, less work for everyone and especially the organizing team, I am giving away my time and my days off from my actual work and personal vacations and you tell me now something that I hear as bla bla bla. If we cannot record the talks and workshops we are simply showing the finger to the people that will do that talks and workshops that day and all that because someone said that things have to be packed one day earlier, excuse me but I find that ridiculous. C'mon people, thinking outside the box is what we do best. For me if we cannot have recordings on Monday let's just cancel the talks on that day. I apreciate every single person who will come to the conference and I prefer to cut Monday than let the people who have a talk or a workshop think that I don't apreciate them. I am a volunteer and if I were one of those people I would prefer that than to have the feeling that I am underestimated. We are planning talks and workshops for more that a month now including Monday and everybody knows that, when was that planning for stuff leaving Monday morning was made? Yesterday that we talked that was not the plan Afaik. This is all my personal opinion and I am willing to carry my part of the responsibility here. Kostas -- --- \m/ --- http://opensuse.gr http://os-el.gr http://amb.opensuse.gr http://www.kde.gr http://warlordfff.tk --- \m/ --- me I am not I --- \m/ --- Time travel is possible, you just need to know the right aliens -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-conference+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-conference+owner@opensuse.org