commit python-perfume-bench for openSUSE:Factory
Hello community, here is the log from the commit of package python-perfume-bench for openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2019-05-22 11:11:52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-perfume-bench (Old) and /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ (New) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Package is "python-perfume-bench" Wed May 22 11:11:52 2019 rev:1 rq:702891 version:0.1.6 Changes: -------- New Changes file: --- /dev/null 2019-05-02 15:18:01.516169518 +0200 +++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ 2019-05-22 11:11:53.838587361 +0200 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue May 14 16:32:08 UTC 2019 - Todd R <> + +- Fix license + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thu Apr 25 01:59:57 UTC 2019 - Todd R <> + +- Rename to to match python package naming guidelines. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +Tue Jan 8 19:27:37 UTC 2019 - Todd R <> + +- initial version New: ---- perfume-bench-0.1.6.tar.gz python-perfume-bench.changes python-perfume-bench.spec ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Other differences: ------------------ ++++++ python-perfume-bench.spec ++++++ # # spec file for package python-perfume-bench # # Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}} %define skip_python2 1 Name: python-perfume-bench Version: 0.1.6 Release: 0 Summary: Interactive performance benchmarking in Jupyter License: BSD-3-Clause Group: Development/Languages/Python URL: Source:{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: %{python_module setuptools} BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: python-rpm-macros Requires: python-bokeh >= 0.12 Requires: python-ipython >= 5.0 Requires: python-ipywidgets >= 5.0 Requires: python-matplotlib >= 2.0 Requires: python-notebook >= 5.0 Requires: python-numpy >= 1.11 Requires: python-pandas >= 0.19 Requires: python-seaborn >= 0.7 Requires: python-statsmodels >= 0.8 BuildArch: noarch # SECTION test requirements BuildRequires: %{python_module bokeh >= 0.12} BuildRequires: %{python_module ipython >= 5.0} BuildRequires: %{python_module ipywidgets >= 5.0} BuildRequires: %{python_module matplotlib >= 2.0} BuildRequires: %{python_module notebook >= 5.0} BuildRequires: %{python_module numpy >= 1.11} BuildRequires: %{python_module pandas >= 0.19} BuildRequires: %{python_module seaborn >= 0.7} BuildRequires: %{python_module statsmodels >= 0.8} # /SECTION %python_subpackages %description Interactive performance benchmarking in Jupyter %prep %setup -q -n perfume-bench-%{version} %build %python_build %install %python_install %python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot}%{$python_sitelib} %check %python_exec test %files %{python_files} %doc AUTHORS.rst README.rst %license LICENSE %python3_only %{_bindir}/perfume %{python_sitelib}/* %changelog
participants (1)