Hi folks At the moment to allocated the node (controller), the discovery works fine, the second PXE boot goes but during the installation appears a error message that said "Error: Failed to add add-on product" , but I've been following the guide 'SUSE Cloud Deployment Guide' to configure repositories and all but this step does not go, also I tried two options: 1. Change the repository location in /opt/dell/chef/cookbooks/provisioner/templates/default/autoyast.xml.erb of the add-on-products like this: <listentry> <media_url><![CDATA[dvd:///?devices=/dev/sr0]]></media_url> <product>suse-cloud</product> <product_dir>/</product_dir> </listentry> That means through DVD inserted in my node controller, but at the end of the test it failed again. 2. I check another solutions (suggestion) referenced by (http://marc.info/?l=opensuse-autoinstall&m=119549949830612&w=2) to avoid the error. (Verify that <signature-handling> tag is not include between the tags <add-on></add-on>). In all cases I launched the comand 'knife cookbook upload -o /opt/dell/chef/cookbooks/ provisioner' to recreate my file autoyast.mxl located in /srv/tftpboot/suse-11.2/autoyast.xml, however, any of these solutions works for me, so I appreciate any help to solve this and complete my autoinstallation to deploy my Cloud. Thanks -- Jorge Valderrama Romero Backend Developer www.stackops.com | jorge.valderrama@stackops.com | +34 91 309 48 77 | skype:jorge.valderrama.stackops -- Jorge Valderrama Romero Backend Developer www.stackops.com | jorge.valderrama@stackops.com | +34 91 309 48 77 | skype:jorge.valderrama.stackops -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-cloud+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-cloud+owner@opensuse.org