Hoping for some insight from anyone who might have encountered this error before System: openSUSE 12.3 systemd version 202 (Very latest from Factory which likely is also same for anyone comparing to Fedora) SUSE Firewall is disabled or verified not running. IP Forwarding (ipv4) verified enabled (but IMO not likely relevant if the web connection is localhost) bridge-nf filters all disabled (but IMO not likely relevant if the web connection is localhost) Installed following into both an LXC container and KVM VM (both using libvirt NAT bridge device) OpenStack Folsom (latest packages from repo) OpenStack QuickStart Demo Setup (latest from repo) Problem: Encountering a likely nova authentication problem after installing OpenStack using the following credentials when logging into Horizon dashboard which should be default User Admin Password openstack Preliminary conclusions: Since error is same deploying in both KVM (paravirtualizaed virtualization) and LXC, although there may be a different additional problem in LXC, there seems to be a common problem, possibly based on nova credentials. A Google search on the error only suggests vaguely some kind of authentication problem but am uncertain how to troubleshoot this. When I first installed OpenStack and ran the Quickstart Demo Setup about 5 mths ago installing Essex on 12.2, this problem did not exist, I was able to login successfully but now I'm getting a consistent problem building a new 12.3 VM/Folsom with current packages. In KVM VM: QuickStart Demo Setup script runs without error. This suggests that the certificates and postgresql table supporting authentication should be installed and configured properly. But, when attempting to login to the OpenStack web app (localhost from within the VM), the page hangs (waiting for localhost). tail /var/log/messages "gnomesu-pam-backend: pam_unix(gnomesu-pam:session): session closed for user root In LXC container: Similar problem to above, but the Quickstart Demo Setup completes with errors, nova auth credentials may not be setup properly during QuickStart Demo Setup for network connections But, the error described above in a KVM VM is identical to the LXC error. LXC Error(not seen in KVM): + nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1 ERROR: Invalid OpenStack Nova credentials BTW - Is there a Quickstart Demo Setup log? I can't seem to pipe the output to anything but stdout and the LXC console doesn't seem to support copy/paste (still investigating if possible). Thx, Tony -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-cloud+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-cloud+owner@opensuse.org