Dirk Müller (dirk@dmllr.de) wrote:
The last openvswitch release available upstream is only supporting up to Kernel 3.8, which means openSUSE 12.3 and older.
The FAQ says openvswitch 2.0.x is required for kernels > 3.8: http://git.openvswitch.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=openvswitch;a=blob_plain;f=F... But as Ralf spotted earlier, it seems somehow Ubuntu already got openvswitch 1.10.2 running with 3.11: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/openvswitch/+changelog
The current version is failing in Factory to build for 4 months. My suggestion would be to remove openvswitch support for 13.1
Any objections to that?
I don't think dropping it altogether is an option, because openvswitch is something we really need to maintain in the distribution. So we need to decide whether to try to get 1.10.x working with the newer kernels like Ubuntu did, or whether to switch to the 2.0.x pre-release series, which looks very active: http://git.openvswitch.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=openvswitch;a=shortlog;h=ref... If the latter, I guess it would be cleanest to create a separate openvswitch2 package in the same develproject which only builds against 13.1 and Factory.
(in order to not risk OpenStack getting dropped due to the missing dependency from 13.1/Factory).
Not sure I understand you correctly. openstack-neutron in Cloud:OpenStack:Master depends on openvswitch, but how would it help to stop openvswitch building for 13.1 or Factory? Either way there would still be a broken dependency. If we went the openvswitch2 route, would it work to add "Provides: openvswitch" to openvswitch2.spec? Then openstack-neutron's dependencies should be satisfied for all repositories. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-cloud+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-cloud+owner@opensuse.org