Difference between "--buildjobs" and "--jobs"?

Hello, May I ask what is the difference between these two parameters: "--buildjobs" and "--jobs"? ----------------------------------------------------------- "https://github.com/openSUSE/obs-build/blob/44e43abe9da522c1c6685742aecc55be1..." --buildjobs number build in parallel with 'number' jobs "https://github.com/openSUSE/obs-build/blob/44e43abe9da522c1c6685742aecc55be1..." --jobs N Use N parallel processes during build. Sets %jobs and %_smp_mflags macros and defines the number of CPUs to use for VMs. ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. "--buildjobs number" for how many pbuild job at the same time, and "--jobs N" mean in each of these pbuild job, how many CPUs setting for VM? 2. In "chroot" build environment, what "--jobs N" means? Thank you.
participants (1)
Obs Geeko