Problems with conditional rules for SLES 15 SP3 repos on private OBS instance
Hello, I'm running in strange problems with conditional rules on the new SLES 15 SP3 repos of our private OBS instance. We are currently using OBS 2.10.10-63.1. %if 0%{?suse_version} %define wwwconfigdir %{_sysconfdir}/apache2/conf.d %define wwwuser wwwrun %define php php %define php_runtime mod_php_any %define php_common %{php} %define php_cli %{php} # extra requirements on openSUSE BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: gettext-tools BuildRequires: config(krb5) Requires: %{php}-ldap Requires: %{php}-mysql Requires: %{php}-pgsql # conflict with older PHP on SLES and openSUSE Conflicts: php < %{php_version} Conflicts: php5 < %{php_version} Conflicts: php53 %endif The nessesary RPM are not pulled from the parent repos if an "BuildRequires:" is encapsulated within an condition. The result looks like... [ 282s] + exec rpmbuild -ba --define '_srcdefattr (-,root,root)' --nosignature --define 'disturl obs://cvd/cvd_moni_2020/SLE_15_SP3/b70f064822eb864e7e70d257f9bbd802-icingaweb2' /home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/icingaweb2.spec [ 282s] error: Failed build dependencies: [ 282s] fdupes is needed by icingaweb2-2.8.2-1.1.noarch ... and the build process aborts. The same project build fine for SLES 15 SP2 and many other SLES versions. I can also build it local on the OBS server with... # osc co cvd_moni_2020 icingaweb2 # osc build --no-verify SLE_15_SP3 x86_64 icingaweb2.spec The SLES 15 SP3 Base Project has all nessaary RPM's in his :full tree and the project configuration defines "suse_version"... %define suse_version 1500 %define sle_version 150300 Macros: %suse_version 1500 %sle_version 150300 :Macros Projects without contitional "BuildRequires:" build fine for SLES 15 SP3. I watched the build process on the OBS server inside the worker file system /var/cache/obs/worker/root_??. For SLES 15 SP3... The definition for suse_version is included in /var/cache/obs/worker/root_1/.build.config but the required fdupes rpm is missing in /var/cache/obs/worker/root_1/.build.rpmlist and is missing as an result in the build process. root@obs::full # cat /var/cache/obs/worker/root_1/.build.command #!/bin/sh -x exec "rpmbuild" "-ba" "--define" "_srcdefattr (-,root,root)" "--nosignature" "--define" "disturl obs://cvd/cvd_moni_2020/SLE_15_SP3/b70f064822eb864e7e70d257f9bbd802-icingaweb2" "/home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/icingaweb2.spec" root@obs::full # grep suse_version /var/cache/obs/worker/root_1/.build.config %define suse_version 1500 %suse_version 1500 %define suse_version 1500 %suse_version 1500 root@obs::full # grep fdupes /var/cache/obs/worker/root_1/.build.rpmlist And For SLES 15 SP2 everything works as expected... root@obs::full # cat /var/cache/obs/worker/root_5/.build.command #!/bin/sh -x exec "rpmbuild" "-ba" "--define" "_srcdefattr (-,root,root)" "--nosignature" "--define" "disturl obs://cvd/cvd_moni_2020/SLE_15_SP2/b70f064822eb864e7e70d257f9bbd802-icingaweb2" "/home/abuild/rpmbuild/SOURCES/icingaweb2.spec" root@obs::full # grep suse_version /var/cache/obs/worker/root_5/.build.config %define suse_version 1500 %suse_version 1500 %define suse_version 1500 %suse_version 1500 root@obs::full # grep fdupes /var/cache/obs/worker/root_5/.build.rpmlist fdupes /var/cache/obs/worker/root_5/.pkgs/fdupes.rpm I'm using OBS since version 2.6 for many years and never met such problems. Is there anything to further debug the build process or has anyone an idea, how to fix this problem? With best regards, Jens Hofbauer
participants (1)
Udo Hölzer