Building Debian packages from git
Hello, I have a git repository, and I want to build an openSUSE and Debian package out of these sources. For rpm packages there are tar_scm and set_version services which can in tandem generate updated packaging file automatically. There is the hiccup that tar_scm can only create a new tar file abd not delete the old file which can be avoided by not including the version in the tar file. That's messy but at least tehre is a way to generate the package automatically. For Debina package it is unclear how they can be built in OBS at all. Sure, you can download a full Debian package created with Debian tools on a Debian distribution, create a package container in OBS, upload the package files there, and you have a 1:1 clone of the original package. There are supposed to be some tools for managing Debian packages for the case when rpm package is built out of the same source, and as a result the source tarball needs to be available under mulltiple names to satisfy both the debian namig rules and th rpm naming conventions. There is a wiki page which mentions a debtransform tool which is not documented any where I could find, and an example package that does not exist. Even on that page it is assumed that a Debian changelog exists but the changesgenerate option of tar_scm service generates an OBS changelog, not a Debian changelog. Is there a tool that can convert OBS changelog to DEbian changelog? Is there any documentation of debtransform? Thanks Michal
participants (1)
Michal Suchánek