On Friday 13 April 2012 16:28:35 Ruediger Meier wrote:
On Friday 13 April 2012, Robert Schweikert wrote:
On 04/13/2012 06:39 AM, Ruediger Meier wrote:
IMO the new search webinterface is quiet useless now.
You have to do too many clicks just to find out which exactly versions of a package are available and what particular project it comes from. In fact it even seems to find much less packages than available on OBS.
It's not clear on first view how to browse directly into the source project page where the search hit belongs too. Also IMO confusiong that project names are shown somehow "human readble" instead of just using the well known (and copy/pasteble) strings like "openSUSE:11.4:Update".
Another thing, why you always hide the "show distribution" menu after submitting the search button? This is very annoying. Moreover I generally hate these kind of java script pages where the page back button never does what you would expect...
Generally +1
However, I have to say that I did not participate in the discussion on the prototype and therefore, somewhat, forfeited my right to complain after the fact.
Thus, rather than complain, I'd like to request that an "Expanded View" button get added to the page. The "Expanded View" would then present the results in a similar way the old search did, with quick and easy access to the OBS project.
Putting myself into the shoes of the "average user" I have to say the new search is better, as it gets to the point quickly:
- Search for a package - Get the results - Install it
Thus, for the "average user" (if such a beast exists) the new search is a great improvement.
Yup, allthough even when thinking like the average user who likes to browse through wizards instead of seeing everthing on one page I would have at least 2 issues:
1. I'm not blind. Why are all these buttons, search bar and fonts that big? After expanding the menus/options I have to resize my browser or scroll around allthough there are only a few informations on page.
2. The fat "Direct Install" button probably does almost never show what I'am looking for. For example searching for "coreutils" recommends me the same version which comes originally with the distro. But I'd say going through the web to search for it instead of just installing it via zypper/yast indicates clearly that I'am looking for something else. Thus it's simply annoying to let me click through all these search hits instead of just showing everything on one page.
It now also shows updates, if there are official updates. I've suggested before to try and show updates from our devel projects as well as these also provide reasonably reliable updates.
For those that want/need more info the details are much harder to come by, unfortunately. Therefore, an "Expanded View" button would be fantastic, and would meet both needs.
Usually I'm using "osc search" anyway but sometimes web search is(was) easier. So would be really nice also to think about those users who never use "1 click install" but just want to find and download a particular rpm as quickly as possible or just want to find and browse an OBS project which contains a particular package-version.
Sure but that should indeed be hidden from the end users as I think it's more of a corner case. The core useage of the search is to find and install an application. In quite some cases that application will be part of openSUSE but the user just decided to use software.opensuse.org instead of YaST (which is not so weird as s.o.o is far more easy to use). Most of the rest of the cases would (I think) be when you're looking for a newer package or one which isn't (yet?) part of the distro you run. Our devel projects provide this. If there are no results in devel projects I think it makes sense to automatically expand 'unsupported' and show results of home projects, preferably sorted in some smart way (eg by # of downloads in the home projects).
cu, Rudi
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