Dear sir, I installed a OBD in whole new openSuse 11.2 OS. And read for configuration and followed below steps. 1. sudo zypper ar -f openSUSE_Tools_Devel 2. sudo zypper install obs-worker obs-api mysql obs-server osc 3. Start MySQL and set password by: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start 4. sudo mysql_secure_installation 5. Create the empty production databases: # mysql -u root -p mysql> create database api_production; mysql> quit 6. sudo cp /srv/www/obs/api/config/database.yml.example /srv/www/obs/api/config/database.yml 7. Write MySQL password to database.yml by: sudo vi /srv/www/obs/api/config/database.yml 8. populate the database # cd /srv/www/obs/api/ # sudo RAILS_ENV="production" rake db:migrate # cd /srv/www/obs/webui/ # sudo RAILS_ENV="production" rake db:migrate 9. To enable these vhosts, make sure to uncomment the following in the 'custom includes' section at the bottom of /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf: ## ## custom includes like vhosts. ## #include "conf.d/config.conf" # following line uncommented as per # /usr/share/doc/packages/obs-api/README.SETUP include_shell "cat vhosts.d/*.conf" Also, the modules "mod_magnet", "mod_rewrite" and fastcgi need to be enabled by uncommenting the corresponding lines in /etc/lighttpd/modules.conf: server.modules = ( "mod_access", # "mod_alias", # "mod_auth", # "mod_evasive", # "mod_redirect", "mod_rewrite", # "mod_setenv", # "mod_usertrack", ) ## ## mod_magnet ## include "conf.d/magnet.conf" ## ## FastCGI (mod_fastcgi) ## include "conf.d/fastcgi.conf" 10. After that,I found the owner for /srv/www/obs/api/log/backend_access.log is root, so I set: sudo chown -R lighttpd.lighttpd /srv/www/obs/api/log/backend_access.log 11. Then I start the service by sudo /usr/sbin/rcmysql start sudo /usr/sbin/rcobsrepserver start sudo /usr/sbin/rcobssrcserver start sudo /usr/sbin/rcobsscheduler start sudo /usr/sbin/rcobsworker start sudo /usr/sbin/rcobsdispatcher start sudo /usr/sbin/rcobspublisher start sudo /usr/sbin/rclighttpd start After above steps, the works fine. And the command: curl -0 --user "Admin:opensuse" -X PUT \ -T /usr/share/doc/packages/obs-api/ \ works fine. But...when I use, everything goes wrong. After log in as Admin, My Projects, My Requests, Home Project all sows openSUSE Webclient Error: Error Details: Errorcode: 500 Message: Unable to connect to API host. (localhost) the api log file /srv/www/obs/api/log/production.log is below. [D|# 5000] default_server for :rest models: localhost:5352 [D|# 5000] setting up transport for model project [D|# 5000] [BSSQL] initialize( "bssql", {} ) [D|# 5000] setting up transport for model package [D|# 5000] setting up transport for model bsrequest [D|# 5000] [REST] initialize( "rest", {:all=>#<URI::Generic:0xb6960cc4 URL:rest://localhost:5352/request>} ) [D|# 5000] setting up transport for model collection [D|# 5000] [4;36;1mSQL (10.8ms) [0m [0;1mSET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 [0m [D|# 5000] [4;35;1mDelayed::Job Columns (4.3ms) [0m [0mSHOW FIELDS FROM `delayed_jobs` [0m [D|# 5000] [4;36;1mSQL (1.2ms) [0m [0;1mBEGIN [0m [D|# 5000] [4;35;1mDelayed::Job Create (19.1ms) [0m [0mINSERT INTO `delayed_jobs` (`failed_at`, `locked_by`, `created_at`, `handler`, `updated_at`, `priority`, `run_at`, `attempts`, `locked_at`, `last_error`) VALUES(NULL, NULL, '2010-04-26 04:59:04', '--- !ruby/object:StatusMonitorJob {}\n\n', '2010-04-26 04:59:04', 0, '2010-04-26 04:59:04', 0, NULL, NULL) [0m [D|# 5000] [4;36;1mSQL (67.4ms) [0m [0;1mCOMMIT [0m [D|# 5015] default_server for :rest models: localhost:5352 [D|# 5015] setting up transport for model project [D|# 5015] [BSSQL] initialize( "bssql", {} ) [D|# 5015] setting up transport for model package [D|# 5015] setting up transport for model bsrequest [D|# 5015] [REST] initialize( "rest", {:all=>#<URI::Generic:0xb697dc34 URL:rest://localhost:5352/request>} ) [D|# 5015] setting up transport for model collection [D|# 5015] [4;36;1mSQL (2.2ms) [0m [0;1mSET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 [0m [D|# 5015] [4;35;1mDelayed::Job Columns (4.9ms) [0m [0mSHOW FIELDS FROM `delayed_jobs` [0m [D|# 5015] [4;36;1mSQL (1.5ms) [0m [0;1mBEGIN [0m [D|# 5015] [4;35;1mDelayed::Job Create (39.5ms) [0m [0mINSERT INTO `delayed_jobs` (`failed_at`, `locked_by`, `created_at`, `handler`, `updated_at`, `priority`, `run_at`, `attempts`, `locked_at`, `last_error`) VALUES(NULL, NULL, '2010-04-26 05:00:06', '--- !ruby/object:StatusMonitorJob {}\n\n', '2010-04-26 05:00:06', 0, '2010-04-26 05:00:06', 0, NULL, NULL) [0m [D|# 5015] [4;36;1mSQL (29.7ms) [0m [0;1mCOMMIT [0m I have read the mailing archive of opensuse-buildservice, but I can't find any solution. It sounds the api work fine, but webui has some problems to communicate with api. Can anyone help me for this issue? Thanks a lot. Best Regards Glaxy Tai -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: