Hi, I've some trouble with building mksh on PPC64 and PPC64LE. Very often it fails on PPC64 fails with: FAIL ./check.t:heredoc-tmpfile-5 Description: Check that heredoc temp files aren't removed too soon or too late. Backgrounded subshell command with here doc unexpected stdout - first difference: line 1, char 1 (wanted 'A', got 'L' wanted: A hi B Left overs: * got: Left overs: * A hi B sometimes it works perfect. Also I see sometimes a similar defect on PPC64LE at exactly the same check of the test suite of mksh. All build systems seems to be based on qemu/kvm, nevertheless there seem to be some differences but how to detect those (virt-what does report nothing). Maybe it depends on the real host on which qemu-system-ppc64 or qemu-system-ppc64le will be executed. It could be a defect of qemu based on the hosting system. Do we have some real PPC64 and/or PPC64LE irons in our build farm or all hosts based on qemu/kvm? Werner -- "Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool." -- Edward Burr