Am Mittwoch, 26. November 2014, 10:27:05 schrieb Tobias Lauterbach:
Okay, so what I achieved/understood so far is this: What Open Build Service does is extract my helloWorld-1.tar.gz After that we have a folder helloWorld-1 in our working directory. After which we change into that directory. Afterwards my build command "g++ -o helloWorldBin helloWorld.cpp" is executed, so I have a binary called "helloWorldBin" in my helloWorld-1 folder.
As you said I now need to copy this binary into the" $RPM_BUILDROOT%{_bindir}" -Folder in the install section and add this file to the files section. Did I miss anything? If not, why can´t I just add the binary to the files Section?
As far as I understand it, because when the binary rpm is created, it gets filled with the buildroot's content, which is a sort of mirror of the final installation at a writable location.
Because I just have one .cpp file and no make file I can´t execute any make commands like all of the examples I found., I tried to do the following: --- Name: helloWorld Version: 1 Release: 0 License: GPL-2.0+ Summary: helloWorld Url: Group: Other Source: helloWorld-1.tar.gz BuildRequires: gcc-c++ cmake BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/helloWorld
%prep %setup -q
%build g++ -o helloWorldBin helloWorld.cpp
%install cp helloWorldBin $RPM_BUILDROOT%{_bindir}/hello_world_1
%files %defattr(-,root,root) $RPM_BUILDROOT%{_bindir}/hello_world_1
I get the following error: cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/bin/hello_world_1': Permission denied
This is partially my fault ;) In my previous mail I wrote off the top of my head and made a mistake: the buildroot variable is $RPM_BUILD_ROOT, not $RPM_BUILDROOT. So if you read the buildlog carefully you'll see that $RPM_BUILDROOT expands to nothing and it tries to copy the binary to /usr/bin - where you don't have the permissions. So once you replace it, it should work, but as I said, in %files you have to put %{_bindir}/hello_world_1 (without the buildroot) as it specifies the final location.
Somehow the spec guideline isn´t helping me much (
Excuse me for asking again and thank you very much for your help! Tobias N�����r��y隊Z)z{.����Wlz��qﮞ˛���m�)z{.��+�:�{Zr�az�'z��j)h����Ǜ�)]����Ǿ� ޮ�^�ˬz��
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