From now my question should be, can you help me to "open officialy"
Okay, great news, i finally use webrequest and now i have a fully functions for GET and PUT, also a XML parser to retrieve differant value in a List<string>. the MonoOSC project by a SVN space (at novell or Mono) or i simply will start a new one at ? a tempory archive of the current source + binary (bin/Debug) are aviable here : This one have need function and a WinForm to test the WebService Function. 2008/8/3 Benji Weber <>:
2008/8/3 Petit Eric <>:
hummm, all xml file from when folow "Example" or "Schema" give the same xml file who seem to be an error "file not found"
It looks like there's a problem with it at the moment. File a bug report.
-- Benjamin Weber --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:
-- Cordially. Small Eric Quotations of the days: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If one day one reproaches you that your work is not a work of professional, say you that: Amateurs built the arch of Noah, and professionals the Titanic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Few people are done for independence, it is the privilege of the powerful ones. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- No key was wounded during the drafting of this message. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: